Hastings girls can! New year sessions planned to improve female fitness
It’s reckoned that 45 per cent of women in Hastings are not fit enough and many of those are uncomfortable attending traditional exercise classes or going to a gym.
That’s why Hastings Borough Council (HBC) and East Sussex County Council’s Active Hastings team have linked up with Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign to bring those women unique session in the new year.
Andy Batsford, HBC’s lead councillor for leisure said: “Sport England’s Active Lives surveys showed that 45 per cent of women aged 16 and over in Hastings are not active enough to get the full health benefits of sport and physical activity, compared to 39 per cent of men. It’s the start of the new year so it’s a great opportunity to get in to some healthy habits”.
On January 7th, Active Hastings will launch #Fit Got Real at Concordia Hall from 7.30-8.15pm. The six week course is especially for women who have done very little or no exercise over the last few years; those women who do not want to, or do not feel confident or fit enough to join a leisure centre exercise class. The course is just £2 per week or £10 for the full six weeks.
If you want to take part then pre-booking is essential, to book email Active Hastings on activehastings@hastings.gov.uk or call 01424 451051.
The This Girl Can campaign was born in 2015, celebrating active women who are doing their thing no matter how they look, how well they do it or how sweaty they get.
This Girl Can is Sport England’s nationwide campaign to get women and girls moving, regardless of shape, size and ability. Fear of judgement, lacking confidence, not having enough time – their research shows there are a mix of practical and emotional pressures that stop many women from being as active as they would like.