Council plans to take ‘robust measures’ to get its money back

Robust measures will be used against the owners of the Battle Road arches in a bid to recover the £300,000 that Hastings Borough Council (HBC) has earmarked to spend on their demolition. Work began in May to demolish what had been classified as a dangerous structure. On Friday HBC told Hastings In Focus: “The demolition […]

Audit of council’s accounts is running late – Covid is to blame meeting hears

More than a year and a half after it ended Hastings Borough Council (HBC) has still not completed the audit for the financial year 2019/20 it was revealed during this week’s quarterly audit committee meeting. Audits for 2020/21 also remain uncompleted. Peter Grace, HBC’s Assistant Director of Financial Services and Revenues, said difficulties caused by […]

We’re talking, but are they listening?

It has been a long and hard fought campaign by the sizeable number of local people opposed to council plans that would see the building of more than 150 new homes on the old bathing pool site in West St Leonards. Hastings Borough Council’s failure to listen to local people, on this and other issues, […]

Hastings receives funding to help welcome visitors back safely

Hastings is set to receive £229,000 in Welcome Back Funding to support the town’s pandemic recovery and encourage people back safely. It’s Hastings’ share of the government’s £56 million Welcome Back Fund, which has been provided by the European Regional Development Fund. It will allow local authorities to put in place measures to create and promote a safe […]

Labour’s Mike Turner says objections to Harrow Lane development is ‘nimbyism’

Last week’s meeting of Hastings Borough Council saw the debate continue over the future of the Harrow Lane playing fields. Gifted to the town for recreational use, HBC now wants to sell them off for housing development. The Conservative opposition wants to retain the playing fields as they, are describing them as ‘the last green […]

Hastings Visitor Information Centre has a new home at East Sussex College

The Hastings Visitor Information Centre has reopened after a short move across the town to the Station Plaza campus of East Sussex College. In an exciting project involving the college, Hastings Borough Council and other local partners, town leaders gathered to unveil the new Visitor Information Centre last week. Visitors who travel to Hastings, particularly […]

‘We’re united’ council leader tells cabinet as Bale House saga reaches final chapter

A report recommending the terms of lease and management of the controversial Bale House in Hastings Country park was unanimously approved by Hastings Borough Council’s (HBC) cabinet when it met on Wednesday. The single storey visitor centre, which took seven years to build and went massively over-budget, eventually costing £1.1million, has been the subject of […]