Facing up to climate reality – honesty, disaster and hope

Hastings Green Party is hosting a talk exploring some of the major challenges we must meet if we are serious about facing up to climate reality.

The talk, next Tuesday (November 26th), is at 7pm at the Pig’s Palace in White Rock, Hastings. It is entitled Facing up to Climate Reality: Honesty, Disaster and Hope, and is based on a book of the same name published by the Green House think tank*.

The talk will be given by Jonathan Essex, a member of the think tank and a Green County Councillor in Surrey. He will draw on the collective works in the Facing up to Climate Reality book and his work on researching, campaigning and calling for sufficient change to address the climate emergency.

Jonathan’s talk will address the need for honesty about the true scale of climate disasters, how we respond to this emotionally with a radical hope, the need for rapid decarbonisation across society and for a new industrial strategy that can enable transition to a post-growth economy.

All are welcome to this free talk.

