‘Demanding democracy’… Perry says it’s time to ‘makes vote matter’

Today is #demanddemocracyday with campaigners up and down the country making their case for why the UK should switch to a new system of voting – proportional representation. Hastings’ former Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Nick Perry (pictured above) is fully behind the campaign saying: “More and more people say to me that they would like […]

The finish line is within sight but who will win in Hastings & Rye

This morning we publish three new audio tracks, conversations we’ve had over the weekend with the three main-party candidates standing in the General Election. None will stake a claim saying the parliamentary seat is theirs for the taking but listening to them carefully they confirm what national polls have been saying; that people are not […]

Figures reveal ‘exodus’ of EU nationals from NHS posts in East Sussex

Brexit is making the staffing crisis at East Sussex Healthcare Trust even worse according to the Liberal Democrats. Figures published by the Lib Dems reveal that 84 EU staff working at East Sussex Healthcare Trust have already left the health service this year, including 27 nurses and midwives. In the three years since the Brexit […]

Vandalised sign ‘encourages’ Lib Dems supporters

‘STOP PERRY’ reads a Liberal Democrat poster board in Clinton Crescent, St Leonards after it was vandalised on Saturday.  The middle two words in the slogan “Stop Brexit Vote Perry” have been blacked out and the other side of the double board has also been attacked with black paint. Resident Susan Stoodley said: “It upset […]

Hollington GP attacks government’s ‘dismal record’ on NHS

Only 81 per cent of patients arriving at accident and emergency in Hastings were treated or admitted within four hours in October 2019, according to figures published by NHS England last week.That’s well below the official target of 95 per cent of patients attending A&E being admitted, transferred or discharged within four hours.Nationally, the 95 per […]

The elevator pitches – candidates bid for your vote!

Over the last two days we’ve been interviewing the three candidates from the main parties who hope to win your vote in the General Election. Full interviews with Peter Chowney, Nick Perry and Sally-Ann Hart will be online on Friday. At the end of each interview we asked each candidate to do what’s known as […]

The fight is on for one of the most marginal seats in the UK

Today marks the official launch of the 2019 General Election campaign and in the coming weeks we hope to bring you a genuinely balanced overview of what all the main parties are saying and what each of the candidates fighting to become OUR next Member of Parliament think they can do for OUR town. What […]