Big Local’s small grants to benefit North-East Hastings residents

At a recent meeting of its Small Grants Sub-Committee, Big Local North-East Hastings agreed to grant more than £15,000 to 14 organisations to offer a wide range of services and events to local residents in the coming months.

These included: 

  • Hastings Storytelling Festival for two performances of Ling Nose puppets at Sandown School as part of the town’s annual festival. 
  • Touring puppet company, Idolrich Theatre Rotto for performances and creative workshops at the Ore Centre in which local children and their families will explore flora and fauna from the Cretaceous period,  making puppets and performing their own show entitled ‘Cretaceous Landscapes’;
  • Provision of non-perishable food to supplement the offer of food by Dom’s Food Mission at Broomgrove Community Centre;
  • Ore in Bloom to provide hanging baskets in and around Ore Village;
  • Sporting Club Pass + Move for new football kits for young players of all abilities and backgrounds.

Other grants will support those recovering from drug misuse, literacy and numeracy support for children, training for volunteers in Speckled Wood and activities for older residents of the Broomgrove area.

Richard Street, Chair of the Resident-Led Partnership which decides the Big Local’s spending, said: “Once again we are delighted to support these amazing organisations in our local community to offer such a wide range of support of all kinds for our neighbours. Given the continued uncertainty over Covid, we weren’t sure what sort of response to expect but, even at very short notice, we had a record number of applications. We may not be able to change people’s lives but we can make them that bit better.”

Big Local North-East Hastings is always happy to welcome local residents to join its Partnership and help ensure that funding decisions match the priorities of the local community. Anybody interest should contact and visit our Facebook page and website Welcome! | Big Local North East Hastings.

Full list of grants awarded:

OrganisationProject nameDescriptionAmount
Education Futures Trust Early Growth through Storytelling and Forest Fun Purchase of specialist equipment for  early years projects to parents and children under 5 years£1,066
East Sussex Recovery AllianceESRA Volunteer SupportTraining, expenses and support for volunteers£1,066
Hastings Story Telling FestivalLing Nose Puppets and Artist in Residence at Sandown School Two performances£1,066
Idol RichCretaceous LandscapesMaterials and staffing for 2 participative, creative workshops£1,066
Men’s ShedRe-placing Workshop Light FittingsPurchase and installation of LED lighting£374
OasisOasis 2021 group activitiesRoom hire and materials/equipment for sessions£1,066
OasisFood bag projectNon-perishable food£1,066
OasisClass TenPilot to help children with maths and literacy£1,050
Ore Church MiceGarden TransformationPurchase of planters£1,030
Ore in BloomHanging Baskets in Ore Maintenance of existing baskets plus free basket workshop£1,060
Sensory Soft PlaySensory Soft Play Respite SessionsStaffing, venue hire and materials for sessions£1,066
The Conservation VolunteersSpeckled WoodStaff  time for Training of volunteers£1,050
SC Pass + MoveNew football kit for playersPurchase of 20 kits£1,000
Gap ProjectBedgeburyMountain-biking day£1,066
Gap Project Summer workshop Fun and insurance costs 


Big Local is a ten year, resident led programme that provides at least £1m to each of 150 communities in England.  Big Local is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and managed by Local Trust.

Big Local North East Hastings is administered locally by Hastings Voluntary Action.


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