Hastings Detective Sergeant given a final written warning

A Hastings based Sussex Police Detective Sergeant has been given a final written warning after he was found to have breached standards of professional behaviour in respect of authority, respect and courtesy. 

Paul Elrick, 48, appeared at a misconduct hearing at Sussex Police headquarters in Lewes on Tuesday (Nov 24th) to face three allegations of inappropriate messaging towards and touching of a colleague. 

The panel, headed by an independent, legally-qualified chairman, found the allegations proven and he was given a final written warning.

Detective Superintendent Lisa Bell, head of the force’s professional standards department, said: “We work very hard to ensure that anyone who works for Sussex Police or who we deal with on a daily basis is treated with respect, understanding and consideration for their feelings and beliefs. 

“This outcome serves as an important reminder to our officers and staff about the high standards we expect and look to maintain.”
