We’re STILL closed – council’s message remains the same: keep Hastings safe!

The message to potential visitors couldn’t be clearer ‘we don’t want you here’.

‘We have one of the lowest infection rates in the whole of England and we intend to do our part to keep it that way…’

Hastings Borough Council (HBC) has emphasised again that the town remains closed to visitors and urges residents to “keep up the good work” of keeping infection rates low.

Hastings has the lowest Covid-19 infection rate in Eng;and according to figures published last week by Public Health England that showed Hastings had an infection rate of 48.5 per 100,000 people meaning a total of just 45 people have TESTED positive for the virus in the town.

…for now our amenities will stay closed.

Council leader Kim Forward said yesterday: “Our position is clear, it hasn’t changed. This is because our priority remains, and will always be, keeping our residents safe.  

“We have one of the lowest infection rates in the whole of England and we intend to do our part to keep it that way. So, for now our amenities will stay closed. We want to keep Hastings safe and these cannot just be empty words, they must be backed up by actions. Opening our amenities will encourage more people to visit and will lead to increased risk of infection.  

Hastings is closed to visitors says the council.

“Although the government has changed their message, we have not. Our message to residents is still stay safe and stay home as much as possible to save lives. We know people will go out for exercise, but people must keep social distancing and washing their hands when they return home. 

“Our strong message to visitors from outside the town is similar to that of many other seaside towns, such as Eastbourne, Torbay and Weston-super-Mare, Hastings is still closed. 

“Government has issued guidance, but they have also made it clear that councils need to decide for themselves what they can safely reopen, taking into account their own local circumstances.  

“We will continue to monitor the situation. We are aware some people may disagree with our decision and we accept that. But it won’t alter our stance. We are putting residents’ safety first. We are dealing with a virus that kills. 

“At the end of all of this, it will be impossible to know if we overreacted, if we were too cautious. But it will be obvious if we under reacted, if we weren’t cautious enough.”

Hastings has the lowest infection rate in the country read more here…

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