Hospice uses technology to save this year’s open gardens project – see some beautiful gardens from the comfort of your own home!

Like so many other events the the Open garden 2020 programme to raise much needed funds for St Michael’s Hospice looked like it might have to be scrapped.

The open gardens season has had to close throughout May, under current government guidelines on Coronavirus, so instead the hospice has come up with an innovative way of allowing people to still enjoy some beautiful gardens without ever having to leave their home – it’s launching its first ever virtual Open Garden scheme.

This year the open garden season will launch with an online ‘virtual’ tour of the beautiful gardens in Mountfield. 

A hospice spokesman says: “This will give the public the opportunity to see the stunning gardens online, as well as giving the dedicated garden owners the opportunity to showcase their beautiful gardens they have been working on so hard, in aid of the hospice.”

Owners of the gardens have either filmed or photographed their gardens, which will be shared on the Hospice Facebook page for people to enjoy. The first virtual tour will be of the gardens in Mountfield will be on Tuesday May 5th .

For full details about this year’s Open Gardens, visit the hospice website at www.stmichaelshospice.com


Drag queens bring Hastings Pride to care home’s back garden

Hastings drag queen, Paris Grande, brought the town’s ‘Pride’ to a care home’s back garden in a celebration of diversity and inclusion. Paris, together with Kikiara George and Nicole Grande from the Hastings Queer Collective, brought a rainbow of colour, dancing and singing to residents at Hastings Court Care Home on The Ridge. Lifestyles Manager, Kimberley […]