We asked what you thought and you told us and you sent your pictures too – now we ask the council when will you fix our roads?

Just a few weeks ago, at the General Election, both Labour’s Peter Chowney and the Conservatives’ Sally-Ann Hart spoke a lot about the need to improve Hastings’ transport infrastructure if the local economy is to thrive. But with the state of the town’s roads as bad as they are should we be focussing on getting the basics right first?

The state of the town’s roads is clearly a hot topic if your response to our story on Saturday is anything to go by.

This afternoon we’ve asked East Sussex County Council just what’s going on and when we can expect to see improvements to our roads?

Below are just a small selection of photographs sent in by readers – we could have published many more. We’ve also heard from drivers who have punctured tyres, buckled wheels and suffered suspension damage by hitting potholes – many tell us they are trying to get the county council to reimburse the cost of new tyres and other repairs.

For cyclists and motorcyclists the scale of the pothole problem is more than just an inconvenience it’s a major safety issue. If a rider on two wheels hit some of the potholes in the photographs below they could end up coming off their machines.

In the coming week we’re going to be speaking to the Hastings’ representatives on East Sussex County Council – YOUR councillors – and we’ll be asking what pressure they are putting on the council to bring the roads back to an acceptable standard.

On the Hastings In Focus facebook group Robert Burns says of the repairs: “…they seem to keep just filling the holes with ballast.”

Pictures by Scott McCann

Above and below, and example of the state of Hastings seafront.
Junction on Bohemia Road

Amanda Jobson says: “As our global climate changes with that comes extreme weather conditions and many pot holes are becoming more prominent.

“Erosion is a key factor with torrential rain and the temporary fixing from East Sussex County Council is not enough. New constructive sustainable measures are needed. Not just for road users but cyclists too as many friends are complaining of terrible transport with buses not on time during rush hour getting to work is proving hazardous with horrendous holes.

“I didn’t have to go far, just off Bohemia Road there are terrible holes stretching from Tower Road, Peters Road and Chapel Park Road.

“Our local Councillor Kim Forward must rethink ideas, sustainable measures, or the holes will grow and grow and we will continue to repair our punctures at a cost.” 

Pictures by Amanda Jobson

The state of Battle Road

Mark Dockerill in St Matthews Gardens

Sue Louise from St John’s Road

Luciana Haill in Pevensey Road

Nicky McCann in Warrior Square

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