Another fantastic fish fair with an equally fantastic atmosphere
The eighth annual Herring Fair has been hailed as another great success by visitors.
Thousands attended the event, on the Stade open space in Hastings Old Town, over the weekend. It was organised by Hastings Borough Council (HBC), on behalf of the Foreshore Trust, the charity responsible for a coastal strip of land in Hastings.
Stella Landau, event organiser, said: “We’ve had some excellent feedback on the Herring Fair from visitors, with many commenting on its fantastic atmosphere.
“As well as our usual stalls – most with a fishy flavour – there was a great selection of music over the weekend and Mike Hatchard and friends played the inaugural Herring Fair jazz breakfast. The Sunday afternoon ceilidh was very popular too.

“We had a lot of help from Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society, with the fishermen decorating the marquee with nets and other fishing equipment, and Tush, Dave, Pat and Sheila encouraging visitors to try a herring for just £1.
“The Herring Fair is more for the fishermen than the other fish festivals, and educating people about a lesser used fish like herring is really important, both for the town’s fishery – and general good health!
“The blessing of the nets by Rev Joy Collins, herself an Old Town resident, was also very well attended, with local singers Now and Then adding a special touch with their rendition of Shoals of herring.
“It was a really great event, and we are very grateful for the support of stallholders, musicians, the Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society and visitors.”
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