The Common Treasury of Adaptable Ideas… part two

Common Treasury Two is coming to Hastings on October 24th.

The day will include speakers talking about and demonstrating the inspiring ideas they’ve contributed to thriving communities elsewhere.

ideas-going-up.jpgThis time there is a big emphasis on the idea of a ‘circular economy’ with less waste and the sharing of resources like the Library of Things and the Onion Collective who are exploring bio-recycling waste into positive products. 

Those attending will also hear from the Bevy community pub and Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition Towns movement, talking about the power of the imagination.

common treasury sketchSpeakers from the first Common Treasury have inspired the first Fun Palace to take place in Hastings on October 5th at Ore Community Centre as well as guerilla gardeners popping up all over the town.

IMG_0102West Marina is working on a neighbourhood plan, inspired by hearing the determination of Hazel Tilley from Granby4Streets to reclaim their streets for the community and Bob Johnston is working on creating The Makings, a collaborative space for local designers and makers to share ideas as well as tools.

  • You can book your free place at the event by going to

The Common Treasury is a year long series of events to introduce inspiring community business ideas from elsewhere that could be adapted in Hastings…funded by Power to Change and hosted by Energise Sussex Coast, Jericho Road Solutions and Transition Town Hastings and supported by RSA South East.

  • Event details
  • Thursday October 24th
  • 9.30am – 5.30pm
  • St Mary in the Castle
  • Hastings TN34 3AF
  • Lunch & refreshments provided by
  • East Sussex College catering students


The sad history of St Leonards Parish Church

Once again courtesy of Derelict In The UK we bring you photographs of iconic and deserted buildings, this time St Leonards Parish Church. Standing grand on the St Leonards seafront, this beautiful building was completed in 1961 to replace its predecessor destroyed by a direct hit from V-1 ‘doodlebug’. It originally had structural building problems […]