New town centre base for local credit union

Hastings and Rother Credit Union needs more volunteers to help it achieve its objectives for the coming years.

Speaking at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting last Monday President Richard Street told memebers: “Anyone who is competent in finance and office procedures would be especially valuable and be very welcome.” He asked that anyone interested get in touch with the Credit Union to talk about how they might be able to help.

The credit union provides financial services to its members and has recently completed a move to new fully accessible and secure offices in Hastings town centre. The new base at Jackson Hall in Portland Place is the home of Hastings Voluntary Action and the credit union joins several other not-for-profit community organisations based there.

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Hastings and Rother Credit Union is one of over 400 serving communities across the country and like others is owned and controlled by its members. It is open to anyone who lives or works in Hastings or Rother Districts or provides services to those who do. All members have a say in how the credit union is run.

Saving with the credit union means neighbours and colleagues can benefit from funds raised in their community, not outside shareholders. Mainly volunteer run – there are  just two part time staff – there are none of the large salaries or bonuses normally associated with the banking world.

Credit unions strictly regulated and savings are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme in the same was as at High Street banks. Loans are available for those who qualify and are much more affordable and flexible than most doorstep or payday lenders.

Hastings and Rother Credit Union is now based at Jackson Hall in Portland Place.

President Richard Street told the Annual General Meeting last Monday that the move to the new premises was just part of ongoing plans to enhance the provision of services and update the way in which members’ savings and loans are handled to better meet the financial needs of members in the 21st century.

That is why additional volunteers are needed, to be able to continue that process. Volunteers are needed to assist with the day to day running of information points where the public can easily engage with the credit union as well as at the new offices in Portland Place.

  • The credit union can be contacted on
  • Tel – 01424 202651
  • email –
  • Website –


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