Godfrey tells council: ‘This is what austerity looks like’

It was a feisty meeting of East Sussex County Council’s cabinet this morning as councillor’s met to discuss the authority’s ‘core offer’. Since 2010 ESCC has cut £129 million from its budget and faces the need to trim tens of millions more in the coming two years. This morning’s cabinet meeting gave the go ahead […]

‘We cannot allow this centre to close’ says Old Town councillor

The Isabel Blackman centre looks set for closure as East Sussex County Council (ESCC) search for multi-million pound savings from its adult social care budget. Old Hastings borough councillor James Bacon has urged local people to fight in defence of the centre saying: “I attended a Public Meeting at the Isabel Blackman Centre regarding the […]

Ore Library has been saved say the Conservatives… but has it asks Labour?

A pre-election war of words has broken out between the main political parties in Ore over just who is responsible for ‘saving’ Ore Library and whether the library has even been saved at all. On Monday Conservative candidate in Ore James Dee published a lengthy post on Facebook explaining how the library has been saved, […]