From land and sea the iconic structure that defines the St Leonards seafront

Stuart Baillie finds out about the history of a building that has always intrigued him…  I was standing on top of the East Hill at the weekend showing some friends who were visiting the town some of the landmarks of the area. They pointed west and asked, ‘what’s that?’ What they were asking about was of course Marine […]

A few of your favourites from the year

In two weeks time we’ll have bid farewell to 2018 and we’ll be welcoming in the new year, so we thought it was time to start looking back to some of your favourite stories and features from Hastings In Focus’ first year. Over the next two weeks we’ll be taking a look back at the items […]

No words – just even more great pictures of Hastings…

Photos courtesy of Darren McCann, Mark Dockerill and Sid Saunders Have you taken some great pictures of the Hastings and St Leonards or events that are going on…? Just email them to and we’ll share them with the town. Have you taken some great pictures of the Hastings and St Leonards or events that are going […]