Ever wanted to be a school governor? Here’s your chance to find out more

Individuals and businesses are being invited to discover the ‘career-boosting’ benefits of being a school governor at an event next month. With vacancies for school governors across the county, East Sussex County Council (ESCC) has launched a major recruitment campaign to address the shortfall. In the latest push, a special event will take place on […]

Dedicated Ark students receive art and sports bursaries

Dedicated Ark students were celebrated at an inaugural award ceremony for the Helenswood and William Parker Sports and Arts bursaries. The ceremony was attended by Hastings MP Amber Rudd who awarded the successful students with their bursaries. Ms Rudd said: ‘“I was delighted to be invited to present scholarships to students of Ark William Parker […]

Cut will hit the most vulnerable who have little chance to make themselves heard

Last week we published a column from Jay Kramer about the proposal to shut the English as an Additional Language Service (EALs) across East Sussex. Here Dr Felicity Laurence Chair Hastings Community of Sanctuary explains in more detail not just what the service provides and why she believes it is vitally important that it is […]

Connecting with the past – inspiring work by local schools

Hastings school children have been involved in producing ‘inspiring’ work that has left senior representatives of Historic England ‘extremely impressed’. Historic England, alongside Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, has been working with schools in Hastings on a special project to remember local people who were involved in the First World War. The project is part of […]

Education is the key to life – unlocking the golden door…

Labour was right! In 2006 when Tony Blair began the melodrama of handing over the reins of power to Gordon Brown, he declared that the UK wide rollout of the Academy School system would form part of his legacy. Blair was right then, and the Conservatives are right now to pursue a policy of making […]

Boost your career by becoming a school governor

THE CAREER-boosting benefits of becoming a school governor are being highlighted in a new recruitment campaign. East Sussex County Council is hoping its ‘I’m a Governor’ campaign will encourage professional people to consider signing up for the voluntary role in which they can gain useful experience. “There are so many benefits to becoming a school […]