We really have it far better than we like to let on, don’t we?

When you’re 22 and have been asked to provide ID before being allowed to buy a can of energy drink it’s hard to understand why people are getting hot under the collar because the government would like us to prove our identity before being able to cast our vote. As a 22-year-old Tom McCann asks […]

Amber Rudd on Boris and his ‘boys-club’ and why she stood down

Former Hastings and Rye MP Amber Rudd has been pretty quiet since leaving parliament in 2019 but she’s making a splash in the ‘papers today as she takes aim at the man she once said was “not the man you want driving you home at the end of the evening”. Ms Rudd has called into […]

‘Campaigns of fury’ in uncertain times, is it time for PR asks Rudd?

Amber Rudd says she doesn’t go out much anymore, she told an audience last week: “…over the past year I have become increasingly reclusive. Whether it’s the constant presence of the microphones outside my house or the fact that everywhere I go people ask me ‘what’s happening?’.” She was giving the keynote speech at the […]

Minding the recruitment gap – but why the change of heart asks former CID chief?

Retired senior Sussex police officer Kevin Moore has this week accused the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) of double standards. Earlier this week we reported that PCC Katy Bourne had said the future of policing was ‘being transformed’ with the new Prime Minister’s promise to recruit an additional 20,000 police officers nationwide. However Kevin […]

Chowney’s message to Boris: fund our cash-starved councils

The new Prime Minister must put an end to ‘sticking plaster’ solutions and properly fund local councils – that’s the message that Peter Chowney, Hastings Council leader and Labour parliamentary candidate for Hastings & Rye has sent to Boris Johnston. He has joined with more than 100 other Labour council leaders from across England and […]

Radio interview suggests the lady IS for turning!

A former sparring partner of Amber Rudd’s has come out all guns blazing this morning branding the Hastings MP as at, “a Hunt and Johnson level of venal!” The scathing attack by the Liberal Democrats’ Nick Perry who has contested the Hastings and Rye Parliamentary seat on three occasions came after Ms Rudd appeared on […]