NHS boss praises efforts of Conquest charity team
Last year Friends of Conquest Hospital raised more the £260,000 to support a wide range of services and projects at the hospital.
Last week Chief Executive of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT) Dr Adrian Bull came to Hastings to attend the Friends of Conquest Hospital monthly meeting to thank the committee for their huge efforts in recent years.
The Friends of Conquest committee is a group of dedicated and passionate volunteers who played a very big part in the fundraising for the new MRI Suite.

The Friends of Conquest Hospital Charity raises money locally from hospital well-wishers to support the ESHT and enhance services at the Conquest, ensuring as many local patients as possible receive the best NHS treatment in Hastings for the widest range of conditions without the need to travel further afield.
Dr Bull offered his thanks to Bill Hamilton, Chairman of the committee and his team on behalf of all the hospital’s staff and patients. He went on to say that the support from the local community had helped the ESHT raise its recent quality performance which had been highlighted by the Care Quality Commission and that the trust would continually seek to develop and improve its service.
Anyone who would like to help support the Conquest can make donations can visit the Friends’ website www.conquestlof.org.uk to do so or they can send a cheque made out to the Friends of Conquest Hospital and sent to The Friends of Conquest Hospital, Conquest Hospital, The Ridge, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7RD.