Ahoy, Me hearties. Chanties were sung, carousing was done t’was Pirate Day in ol’ ‘astings town

Pirate day has history, heritage and humour. Throw in a bit of colour, crowds, bands, drummers and set it all against the background of a beautiful hot summer’s day and a plentiful supply of food and drink and you have an amazing spectacle.

It’s not everyday the town’s leading politicians will disguise themselves as pirates and take to the streets in swashbuckling garb. But that one day a year when they do is a memorable one and for all the right reasons.

It’s amazing how early in the day the pirates start to emerge, from first thing in the morning the three cornered hats begin to appear, by the height of the day they are everywhere.

Hastings and its people are rightly proud of it’s place in the Guiness Book of Records for having the most pirates in one place at one time. More than 15,000 when the record was set in 2013. An attempt by Penzance to win the title back last year failed when one group of pirates tarried too long in the pub and missed the count.

So what does any self-respecting Pirate have to wear? Well for the men it’s the obligatory hat, a frock-coat, breeches and boots with loose, or folded over tops. Essential of course is the belt for the weapon that are essential for any Pirate to do his work.

For women tight bodices, sashes, cummerbunds and lots of skulls and crossbones.

Courtesy of Sid Saunders here’s a collection of photographs from yesterday’s big event! We’re certain there will be some very sore heads today as recovery mode kicks in…






And we can all do it again next year!!

  • Want to pick up some Pirate lingo for next year?
  • https://www.piratevoyages.com/pirate-lingo/

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